THE APPA Newsletter

July 30, 2002

August 17 4th Annual APPA, A3M, and WRAP Golf Tournament, Los Verdes Golf Course and the same day, Nisei Week Benefit Dinner Dance-see below for more info.

We're in the middle of Nisei Week(s)

Events this weekend


Promote full utilization of the capabilities of the Enterprise's employees and champion the betterment of the company and community. Promote interest in Asian Pacific issues and culture and act as a bridge to all groups within our community.


ed. by Douglas Ikemi


The internet site is back at:

Our own domain name,, stands for Asian Pacific American Professionals. gives you a menu of AP organization websites.

Back issues of the newsletter for all of 2000, 2001, and 2002 are available on the website if you want to look up some past event.


APPA Board Meeting Schedule for 2002:

Evening meetings will be at the Hilton Garden Inn, 2100 Mariposa Ave.(corner of Nash)310/726-0100. Noon time meetings will be on Raytheon premises

Schedule for 2002:

Aug. 13 (Tu) at 12 pm

Sept. 11 (W) at 6 pm

Oct. 10 (Th) at 12 pm

Nov. 13 (W) at 6 pm

Detailed calendar is not attached this week and is available on the internet at in Acrobat and Excel formats. Events go into the calendar that I don't mention here. Please send in information on cultural events and news items. Thanks to those who have.

Long range calendar items:

August 10-11 L.A. Tofu Festival 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Saturday) 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Sunday) Little Tokyo, 237 San Pedro Street, Los Angeles Phone: (213) 473-1602;

August 10 APEX Short Hiking Trip Saturday. Please R.S.V.P. with Hua Ling, Director of Cultural Affairs one week before the event. Hua Ling ( will send out detail information and direction the Wednesday before the event via e-mail. If you would like to carpool with someone, please give me your contact information and I will help you out one week before the event. Thank you and I will see you soon. Members: Free, Non-Members: $5.00 per person

August 11 Cowboy Bebop the Movie at the Eqyptian Theater in Hollywood, 5PM. Japanese with English Subtitles. Preview of Sony Pictures release. Based on one of the more important anime series. Also Ghost in the Shell and X on Aug. 16, 9:45, and Spriggan on Aug. 23 at 10:15PM.

August 17 4th Annual APPA, A3M, and WRAP Golf Tournament, Los Verdes Golf Course, 700 West Los Verdes Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275. 75.00 (partial tax deductible donation) Includes Lunch, Tee Bag, and Prizes, Golf Carts Not Included. 1st Tee Time at 11:00am (consecutive tee times thereafter). Last group to finish by 6:30pm. 4 Person Scramble Format (prizes will be awarded). For more information or to reserve your spot, please contact Todd Kawai at email: or by phone: (310) 802-5773 (E-mail preferred)

August 17 "Dreaming of You" Nisei Week Benefit Dinner Dance, Silent Auction/Raffle. The Belmont Room at the Quiet Cannon, Montebello Municipal Golf Course, 901 N. Via San Clemente, Montebello 323-724-4500. 6PM-Midnight, DJ, dressy casual attire, full course dinner and no host bar. $45 before July 25, $50 afterwards. All proceeds benefit Nisei Week Festival Committee and Keiro Senior Health Care. Contact Peggy 323-727-9989 or Laura 626-333-5604.

Aug 24-25, 2nd Annual US Sumo Open at UCLA,, 310-288-3641,

Sept. 7 the TRW Travel Club visits both the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple and the Autry Museum of Western Heritage. $55. Call Anne Lopin 310-812-8270

Sept 8 Boyle Heights: The Power of Place opens at the JANM

September 21-22 Moon Festival 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Saturday & Sunday)
Los Angeles Chinatown, Downtown Phone: (213) 680-0243;

September 22 10th Annual Thai Cultural Day 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Sunday)
Barnsdall Art Park or Los Angeles City College Phone: (310) 827-2910;

September 26-29 29th Annual Los Angeles Korean Festival "Hangawee"
4:00 - 11:00 PM, (Thursday) 11:00 AM- 11:00 PM (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Seoul International Park, 3250 San Marino Street, Los Angeles
Phone: (213) 487-9696;

Nov 30, Dec 1 Japan Expo, Downtown LA Convention Center, West Hall A, 310.515.5699 Website: Email:

Japanese Summer (Obon) festivals:

The Pacific Asia Museum (46 N. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena, 91101, 626-449-2742) Family Festival schedule for 2002, Saturdays, 1-4:

Aug. 17 Flavors of India

Sept. 21 Lacquer Ware of Myanmar

Oct. 19 Pakistan Festival

Nov. 16 Buddha: Faces of Enlightenment

Dec. 14 Pasko Sa Nayon


This Weekend (and earlier)

August 4 Cuban Japanese Women: From a Nisei and Sansei Perspective, panel discussion at the JANM, 1:30PM

Aug 3,4 Gardena Buddhist Church Bon Odori, 1517 W. 166th St., Gardena 90247


Last Weekend

I was at the Otakon Japanese animation (anime) convention in Baltimore. People of every race, color, and creed were indulging their anime appetites. Via anime, the Japanese are succeeding in a form of cultural imperialism that is spreading throughout Asia, Europe, and both North and South America. In an Aachen, Germany book store I found a German language anime periodical that I was able to read with what remains in my head of 7 years of German study. German language countries were the last major hold-outs against anime, but they appear to be succumbing finally. The romance language countries gave in long ago, and I remember watching anime on Italian TV several years ago. By the way, one can buy sushi in British supermarkets these days.


Our friend Yvonne Chang is inviting us to a tour of the exhibit at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana:


How are you? Thank you for keeping me on your email newsletter list. This is to inform you that we, the Chinese Arts Council of Pacific Asia Museum, is making arrangements to have a private tour at the Bowers, specifically to view the Imperial Treasure Exhibit. It will be on Sunday, October 6, 11:30 to 12:30. All are invited to join us for $10.00 (admission to Bowers and private tour). We are in the early stage of coordinating this event. I will keep you posted.



The date and time of a private tour of Symbols of Power is set for Sunday 10/6 from 11:30 to 12:30. Single admission is $14.00 plus $5.00 audio rental. Group rate (10 or more people) is $12.00 plus free docent lead tour. You and Boeing/Raytheon friends are invited to join us. Will advise you whether we succeed in negotiating a more favorable group rate.


Chinese Arts Council of Pacific Asia Museum


Washington Post article links:

In Congress, a Tug of War Over INS's Role in New Department
By Cheryl W. Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 30, 2002; Page A15

For Immigrants, Changes in Store
N.Y. Neighborhood Feels Cultural Shift as Last Korean-Run Grocery Is Sold
By Christine Haughney
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 29, 2002; Page A03

Study Looks At Women, Marriage And Divorce
By Helen Rumbelow
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 25, 2002; Page A14

Hispanic Group Assails INS Enforcement Plan
La Raza Says Fla. Pact Stirs Immigrant Fears
By Darryl Fears
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, July 23, 2002; Page A03

Espionage Today
Tuesday, July 23, 2002; Page C14

Those Wild And Crazy Greeks
These Dead White Men Have Much to Teach Us, But It's Not All Rated PG
By Philip Kennicott
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, July 21, 2002; Page F01

Puffy: Pop With A Japanese Accent
By David Segal
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 22, 2002; Page C01

Chinese Scientist Accused of Enzyme Theft
Associated Press
Tuesday, July 30, 2002; Page A02

Israel Cancels Einstein Exhibit In China Over 'Insult' to Jews
By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, July 30, 2002; Page A12