Anime I haven't reviewed
I believe that if you don't have anything good to say, you shouldn't say it,
at least on the internet. However, I guess I should list the anime I've seen
but can't recommend or don't want to admit having seen:
- Anime which annoy me:
- Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'm another Shinji hater. Rei 2 was the only
decent character.
- De:Vadasy disgusting
- Vandread
- Utena
- Flame of Recca
- Naruto
- Urotsuki Doji
- Hellsing
- Anime to which I am indifferent after seeing a few or many episodes or maybe even the entire thing. At any rate, I wouldn't feel like buying the DVDs to see what happened in the end if I hadn't seen it. They may be okay if you can see them for free.
Admittedly, some of these titles are considered classics by most of the anime community.
- A Wind Called Amnesia
- Agent Aika
- Alexander
- Angelic Layer
- Angel Links
- Appleseed
- Arc the Lad
- Armitage
- Basara
- Bastard
- Berserk
- Betterman
- Black Heaven
- Blue Gender
- Blue Seed
- Brainpowered
- Burn Up W
- Cardcaptor Sakura
- Ceres
- Clamp School Detectives
- Conan the Boy Detective
- Cutey Honey Flash
- Dirty Pair in its latest incarnation. The original ones I liked.
- DNA 999.9
- Dragon Half
- Dual
- Earth Girl Arjuna
- Explorer Woman Ray
- Fancy Lala
- Fruits Basket
- Fushigi Yugi
- Gall Force
- Gene Shaft
- Genesis Surviver Gaiarth
- Genocyber
- Geobreeders
- Ghost in the Shell
- Green Legend Ran
- Gunbuster
- Haunted Junction
- Here is Greenwood
- Hikaru no Go
- His and Her Circumstances
- Hunter X Hunter
- I'm Gonna be an Angel
- Jungle de Ikou
- Key the Metal Idol
- Kimagure Orange Road
- Kimera
- Kodomo no Omocha
- Magic Knight Rayearth
- Landlock
- Lensman
- MD Geist
- Mamotte Shugogetten
- Moldiver
- Nazca
- Odin
- One Piece
- Onegai Teacher
- Outlanders
- Perfect Blue
- Phantom Quest Corp
- Photon
- Plastic Little
- Princess Rouge
- Riding Bean
- Samurai: Spirit of the Sword
- Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko
- Tenamonya Voyagers
- They were Eleven
- Those Who Hunt Elves
- Toward the Terra
- Trigun
- U-Jin Brand
- Utena
- Video Girl Ai
- Wicked City

Last Update: 29 November 2003
Web Author: Doug Ikemi