The most recent information is at the bottom.
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou is currently being published in the Japanese comic book magazine Afternoon (before you rush out and buy Afternoon, read this note) which seems to come out monthly. In a recent review of Afternoon by the on-line magazine Ex, we learn that in the November 1999 issue poor Alpha's cafe was blown away by a storm. She decides to start wandering in the world to learn more about it. I picked up some issues of Afternoon, available from Asahiya, and saw that there is some kind of story involving Alpha meeting the pilot of an old piston powered plane. She seems to spend several episodes just sitting around the camp fire talking with the pilot. Yokohama is not the series to read if you want a lot of action. The most exciting thing that happened was when Alpha was struck by lightning during another violent storm and was damaged. She was repaired by Sensei, who lives conveniently close by. Sensei seems to know an awful lot about the A7 robots and her comments imply that she knows what Alpha's original programming was. My guess is that Alpha's owner is a creation of Sensei's programming and that Alpha exists in an open lab, so to speak, part of a field experiment. Owner may be Sensei.
The latest compilation (tankouban 7) is out and it does take us up to the start of Alpha's quest. We see more of Captain Alpha in her plane and we see Kokone pull her gun in self-defense. Asimov's laws of Robotics apparently don't apply in this world and these robots have been programmed to seriously protect themselves. Recall though that Alpha no longer carries a gun and she never loaded hers, anyway. She carries her camera in her holster instead. The robots don't seem to have any rights issues. Although Alpha considers herself to be property, Kokone sees herself as "passing" for a human. Both of them can use money and operate vehicles. They have jobs and take vacations. They seem to be well accepted by humans. Alpha was quite popular, even if her little cafe lacked customers. There are many mysteries and unanswered questions, such as the nature of the stone gods.
At Comicon 2000 I talked to Toren Smith of Studio Proteus and he said that there is little chance that a book such as Yokohama will ever be translated into English and published here. I think that's a real shame since even at the languid pace at which it proceeds, the book is charming and well drawn. The increasing number of English language websites is an indication that the book is growing in popularity here. Now, what do I do with this giant stack of Afternoons in my bedroom?
The recent November 2000 issue of Afternoon features a color cover of alpha and the installment is all color. Not much happens, visually. Recently we saw Alpha go back into business at a roadside stand selling corn on the cob on a stick. However, she seems to have moved on and is wandering again. We will have to wait for the next Acclimate translation.
For 2001! There is a neat Yokohama calendar that you can order through Asahiya bookstores. It's about $30 and it includes a little wooden weathervane like the one featured in the stories. Here's a sample of some images from the calendar, but remember to go and get your own.
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Volume 8 is out, as well as the translation from Acclimate. We learn that there is some government in Alpha's world and that there is even a male robot. It turns out that most of them don't survive. The one she meets is a pilot who takes her for a ride in what looks like a Texan. Although a retro plane, it has a data port that allows Alpha to plug in and have an out of the body flying experience again.
In un-translated stories from Afternoon Alpha finally finishes her wanderings and makes it back to the ruins of her cafe. In the September 2001 issue of Afternoon you can see Alpha starting to rebuild her cafe, although she seems to spend most of her time watching the rain. In this issue of afternoon it looks like you can order your 2002 YST calendar. I also know that pencil boards exist, since I've actually seen one that wasn't for sale at Anime Expo 2001. I finally found one in Orange County.
Now, when is that YST DVD going to arrive? AnimeJungle in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles was finally able to procure one for me. It's worth the appoximately $50. The art is beautiful and it's pretty much the manga come to life, with a little more humor. I recently read that Sony is re-releasing this DVD at a bargain price.
In October 2001 Alpha made it as cover girl again, and she has shown up subsequently. Also have below the cover of tank 8 so you can order it and an add Ifound for YST merchandise, such as a key ring and a phone card (?).
In the February 2001 issue of Afternoon there was a strange crossover with all of the characters interacting in a hospital. Alpha appeared as a nurse. Although of no relation to Yokohama, Skuld also appears and in the end where all the characters become "Skuldified".
As of January 2002, Cafe Alpha is back in business, although it's a little more rustic now since Alpha had to put it all back together herself! A lot of time must be passing, since the children are now almost full-grown. In fact, in the February installment the boy was getting sort of fresh with Alpha. The 2002 calendar is just as cute as the 2001, and comes with a foam backed Cafe Alpha logo.
The 9th tankoubon is out as well as the Acclimate translation.
Big news is that a new OVA is in production.
Sony has a page dedicated
to YST.
Apparently the first of the 2 DVDs can be purchased at CDJapan.
In the July 2002 issue of Afternoon Alpha goes target shooting with her gun, which we haven't seen since almost the first tank.
A new YST OVA is out :
Also, the 2003 calendar came out, and is actually a little cheaper than it has been in past years. A little leash for your cell phone was the included goody this year. It says cafe alpha and has a metal version of the fish weathervane attached.
The entire series has been scanned and translated and is avialable on the web at
All of the YST art is property of Afternoon and Ashinano Hitoshi as far as I know. Please go and buy the manga and support YST. It's easy to buy in the US over the internet or by ordering through Asahiya bookstores.