Table of Contents, 2003 and before

Beer tasting page. Drink responsibly and only if you're legal.
- Asian Pacific Organizations
- APPA notice
- Hughes Social Dance
- Traveling and misc. things I've done
- My travels 2000-2002
- December 13, 2003 caught a little bit of the the Pasko Na Sayon Family Day at the Pacific Asia Museum.
- November 15-16 I went back to the Japan Expo. It was even smaller than last year, but the quality is improving. The theme was the anniversary of the opening of Japan by Perry.
- Oct 26 I paid a quick visit to the Japanese Festival at the Van Nuys Japanese Garden, but missed most of the performances since I rushed over to LACMA to see a Korean dance performance. You could see the smoke of the Simi Valley fire from the Sepulveda basin.
- Oct 19 I took part in the AidsWalk in West Hollywood as part of team Raytheon
- Oct 18 I made it to the India Family Free Day at the Pacific Asia Museum in Pasadena
- Oct 3-7 I attended Animagic in Lancaster. I tied climbing Mt. Emma south of Palmdale, but it's still closed to protect the desert toad.
- September 14, 2003 I visited the Asian Pacific Islander Festival at the LA County Fair. I also took a tour through the History of Flight exhibit.
- August 16 and 17 I attended the last weekend of Nisei Week, including the Odori and the new Cosplay Contest.
- August 3-13 I returned to the Big
Island of Hawaii and finally completed the backpacking trip to the
Waimanu Valley that
I aborted in 1997. I also had a near-death experience almost drowning
in the Waipio Valley. I also killed my digital camera and lost my prescription
sunglasses. This time I also made it to the lava fields and the top of
Mauna Kea. My Elura camcorder also disappeared between Kona and LAX! An
expensive trip in terms of equipment.
- Visited the Obon festival
at the Pasadena Buddhist Church on July 20, 2003.
- July 18 and 19 drove down to San
Diego for Comicon and Julius Caeser at the Old Globe
- Visited Obon at the Zenshuji
Buddhist Temple
- July 12 As a warm-up for Hawaii, made an overnight backpacking trip
to Oakwilde trail camp in the
Arroyo Seco
- July 4 and 5 went to Anime Expo
which has returned to Anaheim. Seemed like low attendance
- June 29 took a hike in Monrovia
at Canyon Park.
- June 21 I spent a day at Fanime
in Silicon Valley and spent the next day wine tasting in Paso Robles
- June 1 I made it back to Torrance's Oodles
of Noodles cultural festival and pasta pig-out.
- May 18 I took in Heritage
Square and the Southwestern Museum as part of the Arroyo Museum Day
- May 17 I caught part of the West
Covina Cherry Blossom Festival (Three Cherry Blossom Festivals in
the LA Basin!)
- May 10 I caught part of Kodomo
no Hi, Children's Day, at the the Japanese American Community Cultural
Center. It's getting to be quite multicultural, including Korean hip-hp
and jazz dancing to Japanese classical dancing and flamenco.
- April 27 I returned to the Van Nuys Japanese Garden for their
Japanese festival.
- April 25 I was the photographer at the
Hughes Social Dance Club Spring Ball
- April 18-20 I drove up by myself to Mammoth
Mountain to telemark and on the way back I visited Manzanar
- April 13 I made my annual trip to the Monterey
Park Cherry Blossom Festival
- April 12 I made a run out to the poppy
preserve west of Lancaster
- April 6 I made it to Astro Boy's
birthday party at the JACCC and even got a piece of cake!
- April 5 caught the tail end (again) of the Saturday installment of the
Bunka Sai Torrance Sister
City Celebration
- March 30 I caught the tail end of the Pasadena
Cherry Blossom Festival (a busy weekend!)
- March 28 went to Ani-Jam in Fresno. Also went to the
Shinzen Japanese Garden in Fresno and to the Forestiere
sunken garden
- March 15 Disaster at the Tour
de Sewer. Unfixable flat in the rain caused me to abort with only
about 20 miles total on the odometer. Also killed my new cell phone when
it got soaked. Caught a piece of gass in my tire and with the tire wet
it was impossible to find! Changed that tire so many times in vain and
even mangled my rear disc brake return spring in the process.
- March 8-9 returned to Mammoth and finally made the traverse
from the Main Lodge to Mammoth Pass and Tamarack
- Feb 21-23 Went to Mammoth
with the Asian Ski and Board Club. I went cross country skiing up to Mammoth
- Lantern Festival 2003in
Monterey Park.
- RAPPA Lunar New Year Luncheon
- Day of Remembrance at the JANM.
- Kashiwa-Torrance Sister Cities
Cultural Night
- New Years festivities in Little
Tokyo at Weller Court and Little Tokyo Village Mall..
- Placerita Canyon hike
- Wakana Hanayagi's graduating dance
class at the JACCC.
- hike in Sycamore Canyon
near Pt. Mugu.
- China Expo 2002
- Nov 30 made it to the Japan
Expo at the LA Convention Center.
- Nov. 29 I climbed up to Mission
- hike to Simi Peak in
Cheeseboro Park
- Descanso Gardens Japanese
- miscellaneous photos
from festivals
- A hike to the Hollywood sign
- Ahike to the Arroyo bridges
of Pasadena
- A bike ride to Rancho Alamitos
- Animagic 2002
- Odori at Nisei Week 2002
- Cosplay, Taiko, and the
Tofu Festival during Nisei Week
- Comicon 2002 Got to see
Ray Bradbury speak!
- In England I visited the
aviation museums at:
- Aachen
- Switzerland
- Washington DC
- Otakon 2002
- National Air & Space Museum
- The air museum at College
- Anime Expo 2002
- Famine 2002
- Monterey Park Cherry Blossom
Festival 2002
- Family Festival at the JACCC
- X-country skiing
- Awaya-Kai
- Watts Towers
- Helicopters
- Planes of Fame
- Castle Air Museum
- Ani-Magic 2001
- Inekari and Moon Festival
- Lima, Peru
- Cusco and vicinity, including
the Sacred Valley
- Amazon Basin on the Tambopata
- The Inca Trail in the Andes
- Machu Picchu photos taken
within Machu Picchu
- Baltimore & DCincluding a return to the
- San Diego 2001 Comicon
and a trip to the Marine Corps Depot
- Anime Expo 2001
- Cherry Blossom Festival
- Lotus Steps
- hiking
- San Jose
- Bakersfield
- Kikunokai dancers
- classical Japanese dance
- Ocean Trails hike
- photos from the 2001 Japanese
New Year celebrations at the JANM, JACCC, and Weller Court
- Photos from the end of 2000
- Photos from 2000 Nisei Week
- Photos from 2000 Obon and other
- Photos from Edwards AFB
- Photos from the Norton Simon Museum
- Anime Expo 2000
- photos from around LA and San Jose,
circa May-July
- Monterey Park Cherry Blossom
Festival 2000
- Tour de Sewer 2000 bike
- Hanamatsuri Y2K Buddha's
Birthday exhibit at the JANM
- Early April I took a bicycle ride on my Super V up to Montecito
Heights and down to Heritage Square
- Fanime Y2K in Santa Clara
- San Francisco 2000 including
- Travels 1999 and beforeWhat I've been up
to before 2000.
- LA Car Show 2000
- Oshogatsu 2000Japanese
New Year in Little Tokyo LA at the JACCC and JANM
- Japan Expo 1999 at the
LA Convention Center the weekend after Thanksgiving. Smaller and more
- Vacation 99 to the East
Coast and AWA99, Anime USA
- Nisei Week 1999 in LA
- Fanime 99 in San Jose
- Anime Expo 99 photos of
- ComicCon 99 in San Diego
- Venice and the Alps in 1998
- Hikes Some of my hiking adventures
- ComicCon 98
- Ravenna in 1996
- Hiking the Swiss Alps
in 1996
- The Alps and Germany in
- France by bicycle and train
in 1989

Last Update: December 2004
Web Author: Doug Ikemi